Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Internet Scams, How to Spot Them

Realize you are not alone. I have spoken with many people that are interested in creating another stream of income using the internet. There always are a few who have been "just looking" around for months even years but never jumped in due to fear of loss or fear of being "scammed".

So, how do you spot an internet scam? There are a few basic things to look for that would be red flags when researching an opportunity.

  1. The company has no product and you are just paying to be a part of it.
  2. You can never get a hold of a live person or after leaving messages they never call back
  3. Unprofessional web sites that look like they were set up by a fourth grader.
  4. Asking you for payment information just to be able to "test drive it". Last time I checked a test drive is free and you should be able to look around the site for free.
  5. Promising you income just by signing up.

These are a few things that you should look for when researching a company.

  1. Market driven products that are preferably digital. Meaning they can be put into your hands immediately.
  2. Well put together web sites and marketing software that took some time and money to create.
  3. The ability to call and talk to someone.
  4. The name of the CEO or Founder and a way to contact them.
  5. The ability to test drive the site.
  6. A compensation plan that can create wealth by working the system.
  7. A training system in place to teach you step by step how to create wealth.

Internet marketing is one of the best business models in the world. You can work from wherever you want, when you want. You are able to leverage your time, money and effort. You never have to give sales presentations. You don't have to host business presentations or product parties. You can stay FAR AWAY from hotel meetings and can leave your friends and family alone.

Remember, internet marketing does take work. However, it is a simple business model that can easily be implemented with a few hours of day. The biggest problem I see with internet marketing is the average person will not commit to do the required simple tasks that create wealth. Please, if you are serious about online income that commit yourself to finding a mentor. Find people that are already achieving the level of success that you desire and then do what they do.

Joshua Valentine is a successful internet marketer with a passion for helping others achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations. To find out more about Joshua Valentine and the system he uses to create Substantial Income Online Click Here.

This article was written by Joshua Valentine - First a Child of God, a Husband, a Father and a born Entrepreneur

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Degaussing - The Basics and More

If you're a businessperson, you should know that protecting personal and company data is paramount and that you must exercise extraordinary diligence when destroying old or unneeded data. Unfortunately, thieves have made big business out of identity theft. We all remember the TV ad where a thief rummages through your garbage, ready to steal your important paperwork and identity.

Many regulations and laws outline how to protect valuable information. Federal and state laws like Sarbanes-Oxley, FACTA, HIPAA, and others have strict rules about the protection and disposal of stored or recorded media. They all stipulate that neither business nor individuals may dispose of anything that has, or relates to, private information, without first eliminating the data. In addition, most public, private and governmental entities demand that information like tax returns, information, military and governmental data, trade secrets, product formulas, software codes, etc. be protected. If you fail to comply with these laws and regulations, you could pay a heavy penalty to the tune of around $250,000 in fines.

Degaussing: How It Works

Erasing data through degaussing is one of the most secure ways to eliminate information on magnetic computer tapes and hard drives. Degaussing refers to when a magnetic field using an alternating field of sufficient intensity saturates the media. The field is then slowly withdrawn or reduced and the media is left in a magnetic neutral state, or erased. Degaussing also erases the servo (a program installed on the hard drive by the manufacturer), rendering the drive completely useless.

Some first time users are under the illusion that their degausser must be National Security Agency (NSA) or Department of Defense (DOD) compliant. However, this is a misconception, since regulations like FACTA and HIPAA are only guidelines that neither specifically lay out a way to eliminate proprietary data nor tell you which equipment you should use when doing so. They simply state that you have to do it. Similarly, the DOD does not approve of anything, but rather recommends. Though the DOD has recommended products in the past, it has not tested or recommended products in several years. In fact, none of the degaussers that degauss high coercivity tapes or drives today have been tested by a single government agency. This does not mean newer degaussers will not work. To make matters even more confusing, the DOD blessed some products years ago, but those products have limited megabyte capacity and erasure capabilities and are usually out of date.

Buying A Degausser: What To Know

Take present and future hard drive capacity into consideration when looking for a new degausser. You should do this because within the last year, most degausser manufacturers recognized a severe increase in gigabyte capacity and have had redesigned their degaussers to match.

Don't pinch pennies when it comes to destroying sensitive information. Depending on your company's specific structure, a new degausser could depreciate over several years as a capital expenditure. I sometimes field requests for an inexpensive degausser to erase today's higher capacity drives and media. I equate this to someone seeking a heart transplant for the cost of an oil change. Truth be told, hard drives and magnetic tapes have become far more complicated in recent years. Diskettes, round reel tape, and tape cartridges are made of gamma ferric oxide and are somewhat easy to erase. Today, computer tape and hard drives are made of metal particle oxide. This material, together with the higher capacity of smaller discs, makes them extremely hard to erase. Factors like continuous duty machines, larger magnets and faster degaussing times lead to higher costs, and you must be willing to allocate part of your IT budget to equipment that satisfies your security requirements. After all, a new degausser costs far less than a costly security breach.

Be ready to ask questions about the warranty and any other services provided by the retailer when you go to buy your degausser. I highly recommend a service that recertifies your degausser on an annual basis at little to no cost to you. In fact, the DOD recommends testing each degausser at least once a year if continued use is expected.

Existing Degaussers

If you already own and use a degausser, do you know for sure if it is properly degaussing your media and hard drives? Has anyone in your company read the manual to see what its degauss capability is? For that matter, do you even know where the manual is or if the degausser has ever been tested? Do you have a security program in place to keep track of old drives and tapes? If you fail to track such information, you could take on liability for "Avoidance of Tolerance Risk." Not exactly a smart move for a savvy business. Degasser Services

Some companies choose recycling facilities or degausser service companies to dispose of disks and information in an environmentally friendly manner. However, this may lead to "Transfer of Liability" issues that many end users and recyclers have no exist. Liability for any information on media does not transfer from the originator of said media to the recycler\service firms, or one that accepts the equipment. Failing to select the right recycling\service firm can come back to haunt you. Better to ask the right questions from the get-go.

When you choose your recycler, be prepared to ask questions that cover liability transfer obligations. You want to be sure that all stored media and tapes are fully degaussed. Ask questions like "has the degausser ever been tested?" "how old is it?" "will the hard drive be resold once it is overwritten?" "how do you know it works?" In addition, make sure an accountability program is in place to track the media's destiny or log the drives before destruction. Asking the right questions will save your company money in the long run. However, remember that the ultimate responsibility for degausser liability lies with you.

Malfunctioning Equipment and Returns

Hard drive malfunctions may be caused by factors like board problems or head-to-disc interference. In some cases, you can recover the cost of a drive under warranty by returning it to the manufacturer. In others, you might have to send the drive or tape to a reseller, who then forwards the media to the manufacturer. In either case, the information already on the drive could be in danger of compromise.

When returning a defective piece of equipment, remember that passing the tape or drive to someone else does not remove you from potential liability. Ultimately, responsibility for the information that resides on the tape or drive still lies with your firm - no matter whom you give the drive to. For this reason, you really need to know how your product will be handled. Use the questions outlined above as a guide for finding out what will become of your drive.

It's up to you to protect sensitive information by properly degaussing drives and media. Ultimately, you should treat the data of others as you would wish yours to be treated. Even when your information is stored on another firm's media, you should not give up responsibility for its whereabouts and security. These degausser tips and tricks should help you uphold your obligations and avoid stress and liability.

Copyright (c) 2008 Peripheral Manufacturing, Inc.

Peripheral Manufacturing, Inc. services and sells degaussers, offering yearly certification service and degausser testing. How does your degausser stack up to the competition? Find out today. Contact Peripheral Manufacturing at or call 1-800-468-6888 for more information.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cyber Security Professionals - Necessities In The 21st-Century Computing Environment

The vast network of cyber-space presents - or, can harbor -- major threats to the security of personal computers; LAN and WAN networks; and wireless Internet networks. Trained computer networking specialists who are experts in cyber-security are needed to secure networks and computer systems for effective data storage and retrieval. Just as importantly, they are needed to secure the privacy and integrity of personal and corporate identities. These professionals can find work in private firms, in consulting, or at the state and federal government levels. Most individuals complete at least a bachelor's degree before working in the cyber-security field.

Hackers pose special threats to computer network security. These technology and networking experts use their insider information to grant themselves access to computer networks, without permission. Our modern computing environment is an open one, and individuals with systems and software knowledge - or, even, persons with the gumption to steal data or computing devices - can easily get their hands on very sensitive information.

Much information should be kept private, and serious damage can ensue if this information falls into the hands of hackers. One of the greatest risks to business computer and personal computer users who are working on unsecured networks is identity theft. A cyber-thief can use a personal or company address; financial and credit card information; or even a personal social security number to steal money from individual or corporate accounts. This is a serious crime - one with far-reaching consequences, including ruined credit records -- and increasingly easy to commit in today's open-computing, technology-heavy environment. Cyber-security professionals who are adept at designing secure, hack-proof information systems and networks are needed to win the fight against identity theft.

Spyware and viruses pose another threat to the integrity and security of computer data. Spyware is installed on a computer without the user knowing, and can collect personal data or interfere with computer applications or run-time. Viruses are computer programs that replicate themselves to infect the machines, often damaging files or even hard drives in the process. There now exist several types of anti-virus and anti-spyware software that can be installed on a personal computer or on networked office computers for low or no cost. Security professionals on IT repair teams might be trained in the use of this software. Some professionals might provide security consulting services to businesses and individuals, as well.

Skilled cyber-security professionals also know how to install and maintain firewalls. These pieces of software or computer appliances are security devices that monitor activity between networks - usually, networks with different levels of security and access. Firewalls might restrict permissions to various Internet activities or Web sites. The level of security firewalls provide on large business networks can be changed or altered by security administrators. There exist many types of firewalls, including network layers and proxy servers. Understanding what each type of firewall does, and when it should be applied are main responsibilities of a cyber-security student; typically, he or she will take several classes about firewalls to complete a network security degree.

Design and evaluation of secure computer network systems are special skills, in which cyber-security information systems professionals must be proficient. Secure network architecture is imperative in preventing hacking and threats to information integrity. Some cyber security professionals will be employed as business consultants, routinely evaluating system security software, and creating and testing secure network systems.

Finally, some cyber-security professionals might be employed to work on major projects and contracts where information privacy and integrity is vital. The U.S. Department of Defense or the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in Washington, D.C., for example, need cyber-security specialists to create networks that will protect highly sensitive or classified data. Similarly, cyber-security specialists are needed in biology and scientific research centers, such as those found in universities and hospitals, to make sure data and findings remain secure. Specific federal regulations outline how these findings should be secured, so specialists can help these research centers stay compliant.

The field of cyber-security is a constantly evolving and important area of information systems science. Individuals pursuing an education in this challenging and lucrative field will be sure to find fascinating work and a lifetime of learning throughout their careers.

Potomac College, an adult learning school with campuses in Washington, DC and Northern Virginia, offers a bachelors degree program in information systems, with a concentration in cyber-security. For more information, visit the school's Web site,

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

How to Choose Your Next Antivirus Software

Antivirus software is an important tool for any computer today what with the number of attempts to attack computers today. The antivirus software you choose is therefore important and below we have mentioned a few criteria that you should consider when choosing your next antivirus software.

Your Antivirus Software Should Have a Good Reputation

One of the things you need to consider is the reputation of the piece of software you are buying. When it comes to protecting your computer this is especially important and so find out what the best programs are and then make your decision from there.

What Features Does It Have?

Anti-virus software should also preferably come with a number of other features such as anti-spyware, anti-adware and firewall software. The more features it has to help protect your computer the better.

Your Personal Requirements

What you choose will also depend on your personal preferences and requirements, for example, people who only go online to check their email occasionally will need a lot less protection than those who are online all day and run their business online. Consider your requirements before choosing your antivirus software.

Shop Around

Take time to choose what internet security software you are going to use for your computer. Look at what's available, find out what people think of the software and its advantages and disadvantages before making your decision.

Choosing your antivirus software is an important part of protecting your computer and should therefore be done with care taking into account your personal requirements as well as the features of the program. You should also choose an internet security suite that has a good reputation and one you know you can trust.

This article was written by Mandy Buchanan. To compare different antivirus software visit M Buchanan Product Reviews.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Email Forwarding - A Cautionary Tale

I have talked a lot about email security, good email practices, how to avoid spa m and phishing s cams, etc. But here is an area not often mentioned, which deserves our attention: email forwarding.

Recently a friend of mine who knows I am in the business of protecting people on the Internet, forwarded to me by email a copy of a newsletter he subscribes to. He thought I might be interested in it, as it dealt with new software, including security programs which I use and recommend.

He was right. I was so interested that I clicked the Subscribe Now link at the bottom, intending to sign up right away. But I then found myself in my friend's account! I could have changed his email address or preferences, or altered his subscriptions.

I tried closing and reopening my browser, even restarting my computer, to no avail. The simple act of visiting that web site through the link my friend had provided, caused the site to put a cookie with his account info on my hard drive. I had to delete all cookies on my PC, to solve the problem.

So please be careful when forwarding material such as newsletters. Beware of links such as Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Manage Your Account, etc. Try to avoid including them. You can copy and paste the email into a plain text file (ending in .txt), then copy and paste it back into an email. That should deactivate the links.

Of course, the simplest solution to this problem is to simply copy the actual body only of the material you want to forward, and then paste it into a new email. That would usually work nicely.

Still on the subject, email is one of the main ways viruses gain access to your computer. But most malware exploits weaknesses in Windows that were patched months ago. So if you do nothing else, make yourself a sticky note and paste it on your computer: Thou shalt update Windows monthly!

Syd Tash is a noted computer security consultant and author of How to Protect Your Computer Online - A Complete Guide. He has been keeping Internet surfers safe and secure since the last century. Find out how he does it; get all the latest security news, tips and fixes right here: =>

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Friday, January 18, 2008

BlockDelete Scam Phishing For Your Personal Information

BlockDelete is one of the latest scams that is affecting people using MSN Messenger with the so called service that supposedly tells people who blocked them or deleted them on MSN. The true fact of the matter is Block Delete is nothing more then a phishing scam that will take over your MSN account. What happens when you sign up to BlockDelete it actually gives this person access to your Windows Live Messenger.

What happens with Block Delete is when you enter your username and password on the website you will then see on the bottom right hand corner a message saying:

"You've Just Been Logged Into Another Computer."

What you've actually done is logged into your MSN Messenger account on their computer by inputting your personal information. They have just phished your personal information from you. Now they have access to all your information, email and contacts etc... What Block Delete then does is it starts spamming people with the link to try and capture more information from other people in your contact list.

The thing that makes Block Delete scam work so good is the link that's is being sent to people thinks it's coming from a person that they know. People are usually more trusting to try something or sign up to something when it comes from a friend or associate. That is one of the biggest mistakes people can do is trust the person it came from rather then research the actual source (website) and see reviews on it first. That's why Block Delete is catching so many people in this scam as they trust the person it came from and try it out. Then the whole process starts all over again with this hacker sending out more spam to people's contacts and the scam starts again.

If you have fallen for this latest scam for MSN Messenger, what you will need to do is change your Live Messenger password immediately. If people change their password right away that should fix the problem. In case for some reason that don't work you can always uninstall and re-install MSN Messenger and that will work for sure. If people have fallen for this Block Delete Scam you should definitely let all your friends and associates now about it. Try and stop this scam from affecting others as it only takes one person to fall for it and he has a whole new list of contacts to spam yet again. Knowledge is the best way to fight these people sending spam and phishing for your personal information. People should try and learn all about PC security and learn how to improve their safety from such Internet programmers like Block Delete. Block Delete is yet another phishing website looking for your personal information. Tell your friends and family about this latest scam so we can at least stop a few from becoming victims of this fraudulent activity. Knowledge is your best defence.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Things To Consider When Downloading Free Stuff

Free stuffs (also called as freebies) are available all over the internet. They come in different kinds of forms like free software, mp3s, videos, various consumer products, magazines, money, email, web hosting, eBooks, screen savers and much more. Sometimes you have to register at their websites to get their free offers. Some websites ask you to fill a questionnaire to get the free offer. There are certain things that you should know before you download any of these free offers. This article gives some important things that you should consider when you download free stuff.

The most important thing that you must do before download anything from the internet is installing trusted anti-virus software and an internet spyware detection and removal tool. Otherwise your computer will be attacked by various viruses and spyware which will ultimately destroy your computer in various ways. I mentioned you this because about 99.99% free stuffs are carriers of various computer viruses and spyware with or without their knowledge.

Some free stuff like free software, mp3s and videos are used by websites as marketing tools for their promotions of new products or existing products. Sometimes they are given away freely as trial versions. You will have to pay to get the fully functioning version. There are cracks (These days mainly as Torrents) available for trial software to make it a fully functional software. But these cracks may also carry the unwanted viruses and spyware.

If you want to find free fully functional software, you better find open source software as they will make the least damage or zero damage to your computer. But make sure that you download them from their original developer.

Various free stuffs like consumer goods (soaps, perfume, cream, food, etc.) are not always good for your body and health. These are offered sometimes to get a feedback from you after using them. Sometimes companies test their new products on you like scientists test on rats and rabbits. You have to be very careful when using these kinds of free stuffs. You better check the vendor's profile and reputation.

Free offers like money are 99.99% scams and you will get into trouble. My advice is that never get into money free offers. No one will give you free money. The people pretend to give money actually try to get money from you.

EBooks, email and webhosting free offers are less harmful compared to others. These are used as a medium for marketing products and services. Yahoo GeoCities, Gmail, free eBooks offered by various internet businessmen are some examples for these kinds of free offers.

The reality that you must understand is, no one offer free offers if they don't get a benefit from them. Each and every free offer is designed in such a way that the offerer will benefit from it by some way. Therefore you better be careful when using or downloading free offers.

Sampath Wijeratne is the administrator and main contributor of which provides information on various topics related to the internet with free of charge. It also provide RSS subscription through a RSS link and by email. You will find more related articles in his website.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Spyware - An On-Going Problem

Do you know what is running on your computer? What it is doing? Who put it there? Why did they put it there? and do they have the right to put it there?

First seen on October 16th 1995; spyware exploits your computer for commercial gain. Nine out of ten computers that have internet use are affected by it. So what exactly is this new epidemic?

Spyware is often downloaded onto your PC when you download other free software. Certain company's place media plug ins, backdoor santa's and Trojans onto your computer without your permission. When you see a license agreement for any software you download from the internet read it carefully. Often buried in the license agreement will be a disclaimer saying that information about you and your browsing habits will be sent to the company's website.

Most spyware does not collect information about you; it is not stealing your name, credit cards or other personal information, however it has the ability to do this. The term suggests your behaviour is being monitored but it often goes beyond forwarding information about your browsing and spending habits. Spyware can collect various types of information and interfere with user's control of the computer in other ways such as; installing addit software, redirecting your homepage and messing with your web browser activity. It can cause harmful viruses and even change your computer settings creating a slow connection and loss of internet as well as other programmes.

Running anti spyware software is now widely recognised as an element of computer security; but is spyware actually legal? The name often suggests that it is however spyware is not an illegal type of software but there are certain issues that a privacy oriented user may object to and therefore prefer not to use the product. This usually involves the tracking and sending of data and statistics via a server installed on the user's PC and the use of your Internet connection in the background.

In 2005 AOL and the National Cyber Security Alliance performed a spyware study; the results showed that 61% of people had a form of it; 92% did not know they had it as 91% of them never gave permission for it to be placed on their computer.

2006 saw it become of the biggest security threats to computers running Microsoft Windows. It doesn't spread in the manner of viruses as an infected computer doesn't attempt to spread the infection.

Internet cookies can also be considered spyware. If a web site stores information about you in a cookie that you didn't know about; this could be classed as spyware. Also some music CD's allow you to get extra content if you put the CD in your computer and download extra features. This is great but what you don't realise is that you could also be downloading spyware. Although the desirable software itself may do no harm, the bundled spyware does.

You should always read licence agreements when downloading software to minimise your risk of downloading harmful spyware. It is also advised to get an anti-spyware programme on your computer as you probably already have spyware present.

Helen Cox is the web master of MySpamBin, for all the spyware information you will need.

Please feel free to republish this article provided a working hyperlink remains to our site.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cyberspace Is Now The Big Brother State

My Initial Thoughts

I discussed my very thoughts on this some 4 years ago to a group of friends and family, when I said the world will become a 'BIG BROTHER STATE'. No one would listen. I also said that the 21st century would herald a 'sea of change', not for the best either, for all of us who use the Internet. No one listened. Now in 2007 people are starting to listen. At last!


See what is happening. Here is my TOP10:

1. CCTV cameras

2. Speed cameras

3. Traffic master

4. Sat Nav

5. Mobile Phone tracking and people finder websites

6. ISP's tracks you every step of the way!

7. GPS tracking for cars - mileage mangement systems and anti-theft devices

8. Satelitte TV

9. Govt websites start renting/selling data re: UK Land Registry Service

10. Credit Cards - tracks when,where and what you buy

All of the above track you in some way or another. I here you say so what? Do you want everyone to know where you are? They watch, gather (provide data to each other too), analyze and extract data on you, thus building up a profile of your life, whether it be financial, personal and or business for example. Now...start to wonder what could happen if this data was compromised? Keep on thinking...

Govt websites

Government bodies, although non-profit have seen that they hold a lot of information on us. Now I here you say, so what! Well, they can use the data and rent or sell it to 3rd parties or even better setup a website to provide you the information you pay for - thus not being non-profit after all. That's right 'pay for!

Haven't you already paid enough taxes and isn't this your information already? So why pay for it again and why does 'joe public' need your information? Another stealth tax maybe?

What do I think?

I think your information will be used to commit fraud in your good name. Worse still, the more information in the public domain about you the higher the risk you will become a victim of fraud. I also know that you would not want others to know about your private life!

Enough of my gossip..... what do you need to do? Consumers read on... businesses beware and corporates watch out!

Also, think of the recent 2007 news story - you can find out everything from land registry, details of mortgages, to applications pending on a particular property

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Get Control Of Your Passwords

Are you frustrated by the number of passwords and usernames you need to track on the internet? If you spend anytime on the web you have a lot of usernames and passwords that have to be remembered to access different web sites you visit. I will review a solution that uses free software and a Thumb drive to keep all your login details.

Most people just use the same username and password for the web sites they visit. I was guilty of that as well. In fact, a password security study conducted by the Software Usability Research Laboratory at Wichita State University found that 74.9% of people polled reported that they used a small set of passwords frequently.

This approach to password management has several drawbacks:

  1. Some Websites assign the username or password
  2. Your username may be taken already at a site
  3. Your username or password may not meet the requirements of a website

But the most important drawback to using the same username and password is that it is not secure. If some unscrupulous person discovers your login information for one site, they can gain access to all of the sites you visit and accounts that you have. For some web sites, this may not matter, for others, such as online banking, or bill payment sites, this can cause you a lot of trouble.

We need to keep so many login credentials that it is impossible to remember them all. (I currently have over 75 accounts for which I need to keep a username and password.) So we resort to using the a small set of names that we can remember. Another solution that many people use is to write them down and keep the list with us. This is also not a good plan. If you lose the list or take it out where someone can see it then the finder has everything to access your life.

The method I now use to solve this problem and keep my passwords secure

I struggled with this dilemma for some time. After trying many approaches I found one that is easy to implement, is secure and is portable. The method uses freely available software and costs nothing (or almost nothing if you do not have a USB Drive already).

I use a password management program that keeps a list of site names, usernames and passwords securely by encrypting the words. There are many such programs available. Some of them are free and some must be purchased. (See list below) I have tried several of the free versions which work just fines. To use these programs you only need to remember one password that you type into the login screen to gain access to your encrypted list. In the past, this solution only worked on one computer. But now that USB thumb drives have become so cheap and USB ports are on almost all computers the software and the list of passwords can be stored on a USB drive and carried wherever you go. The USB drive can even be attached to your key chain so you never leave home without it.

  1. Get a USB drive ( you may have one kicking around or you can purchase one for less than $10)
  2. Get a for password management program. I use Password Safe. It is FREE and can be downloaded at (
  3. Download the program to your computer then save a copy of the file to the USB drive
  4. Install the program on your computer. Just double click on the downloaded file and it will install in a few seconds
  5. Start the program. It asks you for a Password that will be used to access your list of password. (Choose a good password! You only have to remember this one)
  6. Now enter all of your accounts, passwords and usernames to the list and save the list to the USB drive
  7. Close the program

Now anytime you need the password for a site, open the program, (or leave it open on your desktop) and get the information you need. When you leave, take the USB drive with you. Then you have all your passwords for whatever computer you use. Just plug the USB Drive in, install the software on that computer and access your password list. Don't worry it is secure and the list stays on your USB Drive.

Now you will never be without all your passwords and they will be safe and secure.

Other Benefits

  • These programs often have a feature that will generate a good secure and hard to crack password, this is a great feature that will save you time a give you more security.
  • These programs will track when you last changed your passwords. Again great feature for added security
  • Now that you always carry it, You can keep other important files on the USB drive and take them wherever you go (resume, task lists, etc.)

One more note, you should occasionally save a copy of the password list file onto your computer. Should you lose your USB drive you will still have a copy of all your passwords.

Other Programs

PasswordSafe- This program is free and is the one I use. It enables you to group site into categories. It also allows you to copy and paste usernames and passwords to login forms on the internet to cut down on typing you have to do while surfing.

4UOnly- This is also a free program that enables you to print out your login information. This is very handy if you keep the print out in a safe place. It features Drag and drop of passwords and usernames into login forms to eliminate retyping.

AnyPassword- I have not used this myself but have heard it works quite well.

Carl Johnson is a real estate consultant in New Hampshire. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Northern New England Real Estate Network and has served as chairperson on the Website Technology committee of the GMNBR. His site Technology for Everyone gives practical information on using alternative technology at low or no cost.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Defining Good Internet Security

There have always been debates as to how much Computer Security is actually needed these days. The debate rages on not just with professionals but those who use their computers mostly from the home as well. While there will probably never be a distinct answer as to how much is actually needed the answer is always going to be different depending on how a computer and network are used as well as what type of data they store and even the type of applications used within those machines. Those using home desktops and laptops will generally require far less Internet Security than those running a business. An individual browsing the internet and checking his/her email don't need as comprehensive security because they don't attract much attention to themselves. Sure they are faced with threats such as zero day attacks and even identity theft but to a far lesser extent that say a business who's network houses thousands of clients personal banking information and contact information. Therefore the average home user can get away with simple set of PC Security tools that simply scan for and eliminate threats when found. Business operators however will need a tremendous amount of security as threats are greater simply because of the high profile nature of business and the amount of critical data being stored.

Business owners and operators will typically need not just the ability to scan and eliminate threats from their networks and individual PC's but will also need comprehensive Endpoint Security that offers dependable protection against attacks. A business needs to invest in a solution that can manage Vulnerability Management on it's own so that unidentified threats are marked as such and eliminated well before they can infect your network. This type of intrusion prevention can save you time and recourses your business may not have so it's smart to look for applications that deliver these things.

Getting back to home and casual PC users, generally speaking these people should strive to find a program that provide antivirus and antispyware support which is usually all the Desktop Security one would need in the home, provided of course that computer isn't housing private or important data. Many casual users, having a lack of such knowledge end up with a purchase that provides to much or to little protection. Casual users beware. Don't get caught up in the scare tactics some companies use to oversell you. Yes threats are out there and yes no one is immune from them but the majority of attacks and theft occur at the business level so as long as the program you invest in delivers both the ability to detect and remove all threats and is easily updated you have little to worry about.

The next logical step in any debate regarding PC Protection is going to be which vendor to give your business to. Having worked with computers for over thirteen years I can tell you that there companies that provide solutions to just home users as well as companies that create their products solely for those in business and/or individuals with a background in computer technology. There are also those companies that create programs that can be applied to either scenario. So which one do you give your business too?

A number of factors are going to come into play when making this decision. The first thing any individual or business should do is consider what others have to say about the vendor and the application you're interested in. Also take into consideration what the nature of reviews have been regarding this product. Next pricing and budget are going to play a large role. Those worried that cheaper means a product of lesser quality, think again. Several companies offer Free Antivirus Software downloads so that you can take their product for test run and in some cases will allow you to use the limited free version for as long as you like. Of course these all come with the ability to upgrade to the full paid version at any time. If it works well and fits your PC Security Software needs then by all means use the free version. Once the monetary aspect of your investment has been settled one should begin comparing cost vs. product and determine if what you're getting is worth the cost. In many cases a business or even individual will purchases one application only to find that another is required to deliver "complete" security. The best programs will deliver everything in one application thus saving you time and money which essentially is what all businesses want to do.

So now you have to ask yourself which program and vendor are right for me? I personally rely on vendors that aren't as big as some of the others. Take eEye for example. They are a large company yes, but as they're not the biggest name in PC Security yet, they have more to prove and work harder to ensure you keep your business with them.

Scott is an avid computer and technical enthusiast.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

How To Delete Harmful Internet Surfing Data From Your Computer

Delete Cookies

Many web pages put cookies on your hard drive. Cookies are files that include information that the web page can use next time you visit that page; for example, a user ID, password, and other information you had entered into the web page. Cookies may also include information that tells the website what kind of ads to show you based on personal information you entered at one time. Cookies can be a threat to your privacy as they can be used to keep track of sites you visit and that information can be used for unwanted purposes. About the only disadvantage to deleting cookies is you will be required to re-enter your user ID and password, or other personal preferences, next time you visit a website that requires that information. This is a small inconvenience considering the possible damage that can be done by cookies.

1. Display Internet Explorer if it is not already displayed.

2. Click on the Tools menu choice near the top of the Internet Explorer window and then click on the Internet Options... choice.

3. Click on the General tab if it is not displayed.

4. Click on the Delete Cookies... button.

5. Click on the OK button when the pop-up appears.

6. Proceed to the next procedure.

Delete Temporary Internet Files

Internet files are stored on your hard drive every time you surf the Internet. They are called Temporary Internet Files but they stay on your hard drive long after you are done surfing the web. This is done so if you later decide to look at the same page again it will open faster because your computer doesn't have to get the page again from the Internet. Computers now are very fast and have a lot of memory so you will probably not notice the difference if the temporary files are deleted. Temporary Internet Files are used by spyware programs to find out what websites you visit.

1. Click on the Delete Files... button.

2. Click in the Delete all offline content box in the Delete Files pop-up so it is checked.

3. Click on the OK button. If you have not done this before, or for a long time, it may take a while to delete all the unnecessary temporary files.

4. Proceed to the next procedure.

Delete Surfing History

A history of websites you have viewed is maintained by Internet Explorer. This is done to make it easy for you to find a previously viewed web page. That is nice but your Internet surfing history information can be used to harm you. It should be noted that the "Delete History" portion of the following procedure will delete your surfing history so it can not be found with the use of the normal history functions of Internet Explorer but there are software tools that can find your history trail even after it has been deleted so don't do anything on your computer that might get you in serious trouble. There are software programs that can be purchased that will do a more thorough job of deleting your history but about the only way to absolutely remove all traces of your surfing history is to take your hard drive(s) out and smash it/them to bits.

1. Click on the Clear History button.

2. Click on the YES button when the pop-up appears. NOTE: You can change the number of days your surfing history is kept by changing the number in the Days to keep pages in history box.

3. Click on the OK button at the bottom of the Internet Options window.

4. Proceed to the next procedure.

Delete Search String History

Another form of history in Internet explorer is your search string history. When you enter information in the search box of Internet Explorer that search string is saved. This is done so previously searched words/phrases (search string) will be displayed and you don't have to enter the complete search string again. That is nice but you may have entered search information that you don't want others to see.

1. Display the Google search page ( if it is not displayed.

2. Click in the search box in the center of the page. If previously used search strings do not appear click in the box again. If none appear you are not set up to remember search strings and do not need to perform the next two steps.

3. Move the cursor arrow down so the first search string is highlighted.

4. Press the keyboard Delete key to delete the highlighted string. If you don't want to delete a search string use the down key to go the next search string. The down key can be held down to quickly delete all search strings.

If you do a lot of surfing it is good to do this weekly, otherwise monthly should be enough. If others use the computer and you have visited websites that you don't want others to know about, do it right after you have finished using Internet Explorer.

The writer of this procedure is the author and webmaster of a website with an understandable procedure for creating a website that can be followed by someone that has never created a website and does not have a detailed knowledge of computers and the Internet.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

How To Avoid Online Scams

I'm writing this message to newcomers to the online merchant e-commerce business. Like most online store owners, I began by selling on Ebay. After just breaking even selling watches and video games, I thought selling higher priced laptops would reap me the quickest benefit. I got excited after selling 3 laptops on 3 separate occasions to the same Buyer. Per his instructions, I shipped his first 2 orders to his address in the Philippines. By the time the 3rd laptop was ready to be shipped to him, Paypal notified me that his first purchase was made using a fraudulent credit card. And of course, all three of his transactions turned out to be fraudulent. I learned from this experience to check the name and address associated with the credit card with the shipping address. If its unknown or not the same, be leery.

I am a honest person and I treat everyone the way that I want to be treated. For me, it's easy, it's natural. You hardly have to think about doing it. But, in my first few months of selling, I couldn't believe that so many people sit around thinking of such fowl ways to steal from innocent merchants online!

Here is another scam that is popular:

Merchants, if someone wants to send you a certified check for payment and you have given them the option of paying online, don't accept their certified check no matter what they tell you. Remember, you don't know them. If a buyer cannot find a way to get a debit or credit card, he shouldn't be trying to purchase merchandise online. Its probably a scam.

However, should you fall into their trap like I did and allow them to send you their certified check, don't cash it!!! It will probably be a much larger amount then what you are charging for your item and there will be other stipulations involved with the transaction; (ex. a buyer asked me to send the balance of her payment (about $3,000) to a orphanage in Nigeria via Western Union and let her know immediately once I had sent it). Keep in mind, that even after having the funds verified and allowing the 5 days to clear, a certified check can still be returned to your bank unpaid.

If you should get scammed, notify the authorities immediately. Your local police department will let you know who to contact to file a complaint. Hopefully, with enough complaints, scammers can be caught. Don't try to solve the crime yourself. These people are criminals. You can also contact:

FTC toll free hotline: 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357)
FTC online complaint form (
Canadian PhoneBusters hotline: 888-495-8501
Internet Fraud Complaint Center (

I finally decided that it would be beneficial to invest in a Merchant Account. Now Buyers can make secure purchases right off of my website using their credit card, debit card or personal check. I opted to only send merchandise to the verified address associated with the credit card or check. Scammers know that they cannot do business with me. So far, so good. I haven't had any problems.

If this article helps just one person, I've done my job.

Much success to you,

Valerie P. Smith
Owner/Manager of small Treasures For You

If you're searching for Treasures, visit small Treasures For You

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Phishing - Top Tips on Avoiding Internet Scams

What is phishing? It's a dangerous con which uses spam email for luring its victim. Unlike a worm or virus, it doesn't hurt your computer, but it can harm something even more sensitive - personal finances and your bank account.

These phish emails look like they're from a company that you may even use frequently, for example, a bank, an ISP, or a web-based service or credit card. The phony email asks that you update, validate or confirm your info on file to keep the account active, and refers a link to a dummy website which looks like the real thing but is instead a fake. Not knowing this, the unsuspecting enters name, mailing address, telephone number, SSN, and account or credit card info. As the site looks like the trusted business, with the same look and feel, people are fooled into giving out this private info. That's when it happens - it's as if you've just had your handbag or wallet stolen, as the scammer now can use your information to purchase items or make applications for credit posing as - you. They just might even run away with your identity.

Phishing tactics are particularly loathed as they mis-use an individual's trust, good-nature, and willingness to follow instructions which appear official and real. The con artist takes advantage of folks who may not be as savvy or experienced with using an online bank account, and the victim may simply fail to identify a clue that the email may be a con. For some examples, we see that phish emails sometimes contain clunky language, or the web address is a bunch of numbers such as in place of the words you'd typically expect. At times the nav buttons such as 'forward' and 'submit' appear misplaced compared to the overall page design.

Avoid the Scam

With these con artists out there in Internet-land, what can one do to protect oneself? To avoid the trap, the Federal Trade Commission suggests:

- If you receive an email which contains a warning stating that your account will be closed in short notice unless you re-enter your info, don't reply or use the link in the email. Open another window in your browser instead, and enter the website address. Use standard account info and password to login, and make the needed adjustments within. When finished, logout and shut the browser window. You may also use the telephone to contact the business directly in order to verify that the email is legitimate.

- Don't send personal and finance info by email. Before submitting finance info to a website, have a look for the lock image shown in the status bar. You may also want to be sure that the website address has 'https' at the beginning, indicating a secure connection.

- Look over your credit and banking statement when you receive it, and keep an eye out for any fraudulent charge. If it's more than a few days late, give the company a call for confirmation of your address and balance.

- Suspect emails or activity online should be reported to the FTC. You can forward the actual phish spam to:

Phishing Victims

If you've been conned and have emailed your personal or finance info, there are some actions to take:

- Report the theft to the appropriate institution ASAP.
- The account should be cancelled; open another.
- Take a close look at your statements and report fraudulent charges. Most companies prefer this info in writing, and will often provide a form for you to use.
- If it is a case of fraud, find out the most you are liable for with your banking institution or credit business. Federal laws often set a max.
- File your complaint to the FTC.

Learn to reduce the risks of phishing cons and ID theft online - visit:

Nick Pegley is a marketing expert with All Covered: Technology Services Partner for Small Business, providing information technology consulting and IT services in 20 major U.S. metro areas. Outsource your procurement, installation and technical headaches..

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Beware - The Sneaky Bots Are Everywhere

Every time I write about privacy and security on the internet I get a whole bunch of people who accuse me of paranoia. They maintain I am looking for conspiracy theories and that if you have nothing to hide, then why worry who is following you on the internet. Besides which, I've been told, as consumers we have always been followed and our preferences noted.

That is correct. However, if I have a company counting how many toothpastes of a certain manufacturer have been bought, then that is fairly harmless. To actually determine who in particular bought that toothpaste some companies, in the past, have had to send out students with clipboards and lengthy questionnaires to find out who was buying what.

Not anymore. Now the internet, with its sneaky robots, or bots as they are called, is following everything you do. And you don't know about it. More than anything else, it's the secretiveness of the whole exercise that is so scary. It has nothing to do with whether we have anything to hide. It has everything to do with the fact that there is some information about ourselves we just don't want to share unknowingly.

This kind of unease is confirmed when one reads articles such as the one on Computerworld yesterday. It discusses the fact that customers taking part in a marketing program launched by Sears, Roebuck and Co and Kmart Corp may be 'unintentionally' providing the retailer with extensive personal information.

The My SHC Community program is only just shy of contravening the USA Federal Trade commission standards with respect to tracking personal data. Harvard Business School's Assistant Professor Ben Edelman states that this particular software is not something you'd want on your computer, or in fact on anybody else's computer.

The critical issue here is that this particular, supposedly harmless, application tracks every site you go to. It checks every search you make, every product you buy, every product you look at even if you don't buy it. This includes such sensitive sites as your account on your bank's site. It also sniffs through e-mail headers.

All of this collected data is sent through to an Internet measurement firm called comScore Inc. Of course My SHC Community states that members of the site have the option not to participate and do not need to instal the tracking software.

That sort of statement presupposes that every member knows how to avoid signing up for it. And as one has heard in the past, sometimes it gets quite complicated to avoid participation. See what Facebook's Beacon originally did to members.

Then it is all hidden behind the rather benign word of 'research'. I think what really worries me, is not the fact that our activities are so minutely followed on the internet. In fact, I really have nothing to hide.

The huge problem is that I don't trust people anymore. I don't trust that a CEO won't mine all of the data for the benefit of his company. If he can get away with it, he will. It's the fact that companies have to post profits for their shareholders that makes for scrupulous senior management or the fact that the CEO will pocket a huge bonus if he posts good profits.

Whatever the reason behind the kind of unethical, cheating and lying style of business practice in use in the global economy nowadays, it is at the expense of the consumer - the ordinary person. That's all of us. We have to be protected against this kind of greed. The sooner relevant legislation is passed in all countries, the better.

Anja Merret lives in Brighton, UK, having moved across from South Africa just over a year ago.

She now looks after the business interests of her daughter who is a Flash Developer and Accessibility expert. She started a blog at the beginning of the year under the heading of chatting to my generation. Although she is chatting to the baby boomer generation, she sometimes feels that all generations have the same issues to face, they just don't have hearing aids or walking sticks!

One of her pet peeves is the war in Iraq and in fact anything that causes innocent people to get hurt. But she also loves tech stuff, although only as an amateur. She considers herself a Silver Surfer Gadget Geek. She is even considering queuing for an iPhone in the UK later on in the year. But her daughter has offered, so she will only be taking hot food to the Brighton Geeks waiting in line.

Her musings may be found on Her observations on personal power and self-development may be found on

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How Secure Is Your Antivirus Software?

There are tons of antivirus companies on the market. Some of the leading and major brands are Symantec, Mcafee, Kaspersky and F-secure. But you may be thinking that the most expensive brand is the best but that is not true. Even one of the best brands have a few flaws. Before you buy an antivirus package, check how good it is and compare it to other brands. You should check when the program updates, e.g: Daily, Weekly or Hourly. It is best to have a program that updates automatically and updates every hour, therefore it will protect you against the latest threats.

The 5 Basic Tips To Protect Your Computer Are:

1. Backup Your Data

If you computer is attacked by a virus, your computer crashes and BAM, everything disappears. All your precious photos, music, documents, movies and everything else. Don't take the risk, always have a backup to hand. Experts say that you should buy a flash drive, external hard drive or any other storage device and always have some software that automatically backups your important data.

2. Update And Patch

Like I said before, software companies are always finding vulnerabilities and flaws in their systems. Always check the companies website for any patches for your product.

3. Protect your Wireless Internet ( Wi-Fi )

If you have a wireless internet connection you may know that it can easily be attacked and taken over by hackers. Try not to use your laptop in public places or wireless hotspots. Hackers are always looking for hotspots where they can setup their own wireless network and disguise it so you think you are connecting through the hotspot to your internet connection, once you are connected to the hackers network they can access all your files and documents!

4. Be Wary - Know What You Are Using

Viruses, Trojan horses and Worms can even be hidden in Emails, Popups and Instant messages. Always be suspicious about emails you receive from someone you don't know. Never open them even if you are tempted, delete them straight away.

5. Don't Share Files

File sharing is an increasing problem on the internet. People are swapping music, movies, videos and other things over the internet. Not only is it illegal but it can be a breeding ground for viruses. A hacker could be slipping viruses into into the files that you could be downloading.

My Online Movie Website:

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Monday, January 7, 2008

How To Avoid Getting Infected By A Computer Virus

A computer virus is essentially a piece of code that attaches itself to files and programs under the pretext of being something positive and spreads to other program systems, files and recipients without the user's knowledge or consent. These viruses infect your computer and cause havoc by changing data and destroying files.

Some of the most commonly heard of computer viruses include Trojan Horses, Worms and File Infectors.

Here are some of the most effective ways to avoid getting infected by a computer virus:

Install antivirus software

This is your primary defense against computer viruses. Anti virus software scans all diskettes and e-mail attachments to make sure they are virus free before you download content from these sources on to your computer. If the anti virus software does detect the presence of a virus, it warns you against downloading any content from that source. If any harmful virus does manage to slide past your watchful eye, the anti virus software will quarantine and inoculate the virus, preventing it's dispersal throughout your computer.

Do not open mail from unknown senders

If you do not recognize the sender, don't open the mail; it's that simple. E-mails from unknown senders are virus infections waiting to happen, this is more so with attachments that end with .vbt, .com or .exe extensions. If it looks suspicious, the best thing to do is to permanently delete it, unopened, from your inbox and also from your 'deleted messages' folder.

Stay Updated

Update yourself about the latest viruses doing the rounds and stay informed about the most effective cures so you are always prepared in case you happen to be the next victim.

Back up, Back up, Back up...

No matter what you do to protect your computer, you are never 100% safe. Everyday there are newer and more powerful viruses being developed and it is almost impossible to protect your computer from each and every one of them. Your best option then is to back up all your important data and operating systems regularly. Backing up allows you to retrieve lost data and minimize the damage done in case of any virus infection.

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Top Ten Antivirus Tools For Keeping Your Computer Virus Free

Although there are ten obviously good Antivirus software programs there are also top ten Antivirus tools as well. After doing research the lists do differ from web site to web site. So, in a sense this is only one list and they do vary. However the list is informative and does allow the user the ability to see what some other users have decided on. As a result there are many sites available that have both positive and negative feedback posted as comments on site as well. The following list is an idea of what the top ten tools are and remember they do vary depending on the search results.

#1- Linux Antivirus cleaning kit

Used for detecting and cleaning the computer hard drive.

#2- Bullguard

It is a type of shield that can be used to protect or detect possible threats that can have malicious applications.

#3- Protector Plus Software

It is also used for protection of the security and your computer data not being compromised.

#4- Etrust EZ Antivirus

A smaller version of security program designed for protection.

#5- Sophos

Protection used for users who have access to the Internet that will detect suspicious content.

#6- Intrusion Scanner - created to scan and detect intrusion on your computer as well as other software that might cause problems.

#7- Kaspersky Lab

Program used to identify and remove potential risks and malicious programs attempting to corrupt files and data on a computer.

#8- Email Server for virus free Internet

They concentrate mainly on emails and applications associated with the Internet email account. Detects threats and is capable of showing real time warnings.

#9- Complete Internet Protection

Program used to somewhat give a user peace of mind when they are going on the Internet. It protects from potential download threats.

#10- Mac Virus

Used specifically on the mac operating systems and has an additional firewall addon with the program. Once installed detection can be made of harmful content.

There are many other security programs that can ultimately be used. These were just a few that were listed as the top ten antivirus tools on a website. Make sure to read all of the information given on the web site to determine if the web site can be verified as legitimate, otherwise you should exercise caution when downloading any program from the Internet onto your personal computer. There is a risk if you aren't sure about the program. Every user should keep this in mind with no exceptions unless certain that the download is safe.

Protect your computer from spyware with a spyware killer by visiting, a popular website that offers antivirus tips, advice and resources including information about AVG anti virus software, spyware cleaning and Norton virus protection software that you can use to find the right antivirus removal program for you.

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Are You Safe? Protecting Yourself Online

The increased use of the computer and internet although it has provided many benefits has also made us increasingly vulnerable to attack through computer viruses, fraudulent emails, and other attacks. No one unfortunately is immune to these attacks and it is therefore important to take precautions to help protect yourself online.

Get Good Internet Security Software

The first step in protecting yourself online is to get good internet security software. This software should include tools such as anti virus software, firewall software, anti spam, and perhaps some other tools such as anti spyware. A good internet security suite will help to protect you from most attacks that you face on your computer.

Use a Variety of Anti Spam Solutions to Block Spam

Spam is a real problem today and can help to spread viruses, Trojan horses and other dangerous software. It is therefore important to do what you can to block these spam emails by setting up your email program to block as much spam as you are comfortable with, white listing people you want to receive email from, blocking spam on your web host if you have your own domain, and using other anti spam software.

Protect Yourself by Increasing Your Knowledge

Another way to help protect yourself online is to increase your knowledge about the kind of attacks that you may be facing. Learn about phishing, how to spot a fraudulent email and what to do if you receive one. Stay up to date about other attacks on computers and viruses that are going round.

Although there are many honest internet marketers and computer users there are also many who dishonest and do spread viruses, spyware, and spam. Protect yourself by learning as much as you can, blocking spam and getting good internet security software.

This article was written by Mandy Buchanan. To learn more about anti spam solutions visit M Buchanan reports on Anti Spam Solutions.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

How To Protect Yourself From Phishing

Protect yourself from Phishing scams that could lead to identity theft. I cannot stress this enough. Phishing scams are a hot topic lately that have grown with the popularity of online banking and social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook and Friendster.

The term Phishing comes from the analogy to fishing. The phisher uses a bait to lure victims into giving out personal information like passwords and credit card numbers. The bait is typically and urgent plea from one of the victims friends or trusted websites, asking for information to resolve some sort of problem with their account.

One of the popular Myspace phishing scams uses a domain name of which shows up in the browser address bar as, very similar to myspace. The site is designed to look very similar to myspace and tells you that you need to log in. You need to be very careful to check the address in the web browser whenever you are asked for login information or personal financial information.

Other typical targets for phishing include online banking sites, paypal, the internal revenue service and credit card companies. Internet users must be vigilant and always double check to make sure that the site you are giving your information to is actually the site you trust.

Phishing scams have a snowball effect. One the phisher has your login information it is very easy to contact your friends, pretending to be you, and get their information as well.

Anti-phishing software is a must for anyone that accesses the internet. Most of the internet service providers have some safety measures included as part of their online security software. Most web browsers also have add-ons that can detect most phishing scams. Unfortunately, these measures are not enough. Some of the more clever phishers have found ways to trick the anti-phishing software so you need to be cautious of suspicious emails and messages.

Phishing scams are not limited to the internet. Some phishers use the telephone to make requests for information. If you get a call from your banking institution asking for personal information, hang up and call your bank directly. Your bank will have your social security number and account information on file and should only ask you to verify a few digits.

If you feel that you have been targeted by a phishing scam it is very important that you report it to the company that the phisher is pretending to be. If you receive an email that you believe to be a phishing scam you should forward it to the FTC: "" so that others will not fall prey to these attacks.

You could also Phire back on Phishers by sending back false information that they will waste time actually trying to use.

Hobbyist writer/web developer. See more at

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